Wow! I have a huge update to provide.... I'll start out quick with the rest of the pregnancy. It went pretty well. I stopped feeling sick luckily. I did continue to have bloody noses (weird pregnancy thing) and swelling. I also had the lump on my neck. I had contractions on July 2, July 3, and July 4. Nothing too concerning though. Oh Jason was gone to LDAC from June 18 until July 16. The week of July 19th I started getting really tired and the lump on my neck grew. We went to the ER and were referred to another doctor. That doctor wasn't able to see me until July 29th though. The lump continued to be annoying and caused quite a bit of pain but I didn't have any difficulty swallowing so... they won't do anything at the ER. I was pretty sleepy Friday and Saturday so we didn't do anything really. Then Sunday July 25th I woke up with some contractions but they were pretty sporadic. I went to sacrament meeting then we had the McAllister family dinner so Blake, Kellie, and Ky came over. I ate dinner but then after Kellie, Blake, and Ky left, I started having more intensive contractions. I walked all around the backyard because that seemed to help. The contractions weren't consistent or anything but we tried to time them. Because they were so intense, Jason suggested I call the midwife and see what they suggest. I called and talked with the midwife on call, Andrea. She suggested I try to take a warm bath and go to sleep. I went in and got in the bath but as soon as I had a contraction I had to stand up so Jason helped me out of the bath and into bed. Then I had a contraction in bed and couldn't stand it so I again stood up. I told Jason I would just go walk around the backyard again. Jason came out and suggested we go to the hospital and at least get checked. I didn't want to have to come back home but it was 10:00 and I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep so I said okay. We let mom know then Jason got my bag and we headed out. He called his parents to let them know we were heading to the hospital too. When we got there two other prego's were checking in. The one finished up and the second person said we could go ahead of her because I must've appeared to be in pain LOL. We checked in and they put us in a room. I had to lay down to get an IV, which was difficult because laying down was so uncomfortable. The nurse tried twice and couldn't get the IV in so she went to get someone else. Jason checked my veins while the nurse was gone and said he could get it but I wouldn't let him. Luckily, the second nurse got the IV in on her first try; otherwise, Jason probably would've done it. They put on the fetal heart monitor and said I was dilated to a 4 so they decided I should stay. I then asked if I could walk around again. The midwife arrived and noticed we didn't have a tub so they swtiched us to another room. She said it seems like I am further along so she checked and said I was dilated to almost a 6. This was only about 45 mintues after they said I was a 4. I continued to dilate through the night. Then at about 3:00 am, I started pushing. My beautiful baby girl was born at 5:32 am July 26. She weighed 7 lbs 8 oz and was 21" long. It was one of the most emotional experiences in my life but looking at my daughter, I know it was all worth it!