Thursday, December 29, 2011

I am so excited...

I just signed up for my final class for my graduate degree. Class starts on January 9th and goes for 10 weeks. After those 10 weeks, I will receive my Master's of Science in Mental Health Counseling!!! I can't believe it's finally here. It's been three years since I signed up for that first course. It's longer than I expected but I moved to three different states and had a baby during those three years so I'm giving myself a break ;D I really just want to take some time to relish in my success and be proud of what I've accomplished!

I do hope to study for and take the NCE (National Counselor Examination) this quarter as well though. After I pass the exam and graduate, I can apply for licensure as an associate mental health therapist in Washington. Then per Washington statute, I have to be supervised for another 3,500 hours before I can be fully licensed as a Mental Health Therapist. Those are the next exciting days to look toward!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sassafrass Giveaway

I totally want to share this giveaway (and increase my chances of winning ;D).  Kattrina is amazing!  Josslyn's newborns and 4 month old (Christmas) pictures were so gorgeous!  I will have Kattrina take as many milestone photos as I can afford :)