I forgot to mention that on Wednesday Jan 13, Rocky had surgery. He had three masses removed on his right side and was neutered. On Sunday, I noticed some bagging, sagging skin on stomach. Jas said it was full of like liquid. Then on Monday (MLK day), we noticed rock's side was swollen and one of the incisions was leaking. We took him to the vet and found out that this happens 10% of the time. Basically because of the trauma of surgery, his skin and muscles separated so his body sent fluid to repair the area. Luckily, the fluid is healthy plasma but if it doesn't leave the incision site the incisions won't heal. So he's on more pain pills and we have to heat pack it twice a day. Its looking better so we're hoping for the best. Worst case scenario they'd have to put in a drain, which means they'd have to put him under again. We hoping to stay away from that. Poor lil rock!
sad. glad he is ok. good to hear about your new doctor - they are so wonderful. I am so happy to hear you are prego!!!