Wednesday, January 20, 2010


So I never thought it would happen but it's true...I am actually pregnant.  I am currently 13 1/2 weeks and my due date is July 24th!  I found out I was prego on Nov 22.  Started getting nauseous so I saw the doctor on Nov 30th and got a prescription for nausea.  Been sick ever since.  On Dec 30th, I saw the doctor again and saw the heartbeat (didn't hear it cuz it's too small).  I had decided to wait until the 2nd trimester to tell everyone because the risk of miscarriage decreases.  I am still very nervous and every feeling is so intense that I think the nervousness is multiplied by 20 but its out now so...   

I have decided morning sickness is one of the WORST feelings ever.  I usually handle things okay and I don't complain too much but I keep wondering why people choose to put themselves through this torture. Everyone says it's worth it but honestly after being sick for 2 1/2 months that statement doesn't make me feel any better. You try waking up everday feeling like you have the flu for 2 months then have someone tell you "it'll be worth it" - it really just makes me ornery. Jason's mom bought me a book called Pregnancy Sucks. It's hilarious even though it's true. I'd recommend it to anyone going through pregnancy and feeling miserable.

On top of morning sickness, pregnancy makes me HORMONAL.  I am not a hormonal person (even during that time of the month) but get me prego and look out.  Even my sister mentioned my orneriness, which means it must be bad.  I get irritated easily and feel pretty depressed.  Getting up and motivated is hard.  But I'm doing it and hopefully I'll be through it all soon.

Since I found out I am pregnant I've been more grateful that I have been seeing a counselor.  I think it's definitely been helpful to talk to someone about everything I'm feeling.  Sometimes just getting out the irritants once a week helps the next week go a little smoother.  Well... stay tune for more pregnancy wooes.


  1. HOLY CRAP! That is the best news I've heard in a long time. I think you'll make an awesome mom, Karlie. Having kids is a ton of work BUT it is totally worth it. I never had morning sickness with Maya but had it with Josh and it was awful. It stopped right at my 3 month mark. Congrats to you guys!! Love, Tara

  2. HEY!! I just found your blog! Congrats!!! Rachel called me this morning to tell me. I'm so happy for you guys. Hang in there. Kids are awesome.

  3. OMG, Karlie, I am so ecstatic for you and Jason! And believe me, you'll join the crowd that it is totally worth it!!!! xoxo

  4. Hey, its Cammie! Congratulations! You will be a great mommy!! That hormonal thing is the worse huh?! Just wait until after you have the baby! But don't worry, it gets normal again... eventually.... :)
