Thursday, November 18, 2010


Wow!  I have a huge update to provide....  I'll start out quick with the rest of the pregnancy.  It went pretty well.  I stopped feeling sick luckily.  I did continue to have bloody noses (weird pregnancy thing) and swelling.  I also had the lump on my neck.  I had contractions on July 2, July 3, and July 4.  Nothing too concerning though.  Oh Jason was gone to LDAC from June 18 until July 16.  The week of July 19th I started getting really tired and the lump on my neck grew.  We went to the ER and were referred to another doctor.  That doctor wasn't able to see me until July 29th though.  The lump continued to be annoying and caused quite a bit of pain but I didn't have any difficulty swallowing so... they won't do anything at the ER.  I was pretty sleepy Friday and Saturday so we didn't do anything really.  Then Sunday July 25th I woke up with some contractions but they were pretty sporadic.  I went to sacrament meeting then we had the McAllister family dinner so Blake, Kellie, and Ky came over.  I ate dinner but then after Kellie, Blake, and Ky left, I started having more intensive contractions.  I walked all around the backyard because that seemed to help.  The contractions weren't consistent or anything but we tried to time them.  Because they were so intense, Jason suggested I call the midwife and see what they suggest.  I called and talked with the midwife on call, Andrea.  She suggested I try to take a warm bath and go to sleep.  I went in and got in the bath but as soon as I had a contraction I had to stand up so Jason helped me out of the bath and into bed.  Then I had a contraction in bed and couldn't stand it so I again stood up.  I told Jason I would just go walk around the backyard again.  Jason came out and suggested we go to the hospital and at least get checked.  I didn't want to have to come back home but it was 10:00 and I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep so I said okay.  We let mom know then Jason got my bag and we headed out.  He called his parents to let them know we were heading to the hospital too.  When we got there two other prego's were checking in.  The one finished up and the second person said we could go ahead of her because I must've appeared to be in pain LOL.  We checked in and they put us in a room.  I had to lay down to get an IV, which was difficult because laying down was so uncomfortable.  The nurse tried twice and couldn't get the IV in so she went to get someone else.  Jason checked my veins while the nurse was gone and said he could get it but I wouldn't let him. Luckily, the second nurse got the IV in on her first try; otherwise, Jason probably would've done it.  They put on the fetal heart monitor and said I was dilated to a 4 so they decided I should stay.  I then asked if I could walk around again.  The midwife arrived and noticed we didn't have a tub so they swtiched us to another room.  She said it seems like I am further along so she checked and said I was dilated to almost a 6.  This was only about 45 mintues after they said I was a 4.  I continued to dilate through the night.  Then at about 3:00 am, I started pushing.  My beautiful baby girl was born at 5:32 am July 26.  She weighed 7 lbs 8 oz and was 21" long.  It was one of the most emotional experiences in my life but looking at my daughter, I know it was all worth it!


Orgill Free Bow Giveaway!

I am trying to win some adorable bows for Josslyn.  :D

Friday, March 12, 2010

SLIK's a GIRL!!!!

My obgyn didn't complete an ultrasound on Feb 17th so we headed over to Fetal Fotos again that afternoon. At first SLIK was curled up again with the feet way up on the forehead but then SLIK began wiggling like crazy... kicking, punching, stretching, etc. It was so fun to see. We even got a DVD with all the movements. The technician was funny cuz she forgot to stop the DVD so it is extra long :) We also found out SLIK is a GIRL!!!! It is exciting to finally know... now maybe we can narrow down some names.

20 Weeks!!!!

I am half way there!!!!!  YAY!  I am feeling so much better now... and I am very grateful for that.  I can't recall the day it happened but all the sudden I could wake up without feeling like I was going to throw up.  It has been one of the greatest feelings.  Since the sickness has left, I have also noticed that I am not as tired either.  I still have to eat constantly... especially in the morning or I get nauseous but I can deal with that.

I became overwhelmed with all the appointments, work, school, etc so I stopped seeing my therapist.  I think I have worked through a lot of the main stressors and I definitely am feeling better.  I am sure I will have to go back again but with everything on my plate, it is just too much right now.  I have quite a few books to read that will help too.  Right now, (as time allows) I am reading Growing Up Again... Parenting Ourselves, Parenting Our Children.  It is a helpful guide to learning how to be as best a parent as possible. 

I still notice a lot of hormonal issues... irritated, ornery, depressed, etc.  I am trying to learn when the hormones are a problem in order to find ways to relax or reduce the symptoms.  Jason and me are on edge a lot and I feel bad about not being able to communicate as effectively as we normally do.  He understands that a lot of it has to do with the pregnancy but it is still hard for him since I am so different than normal.  It makes me upset too because I know I am different but I can't seem to help it.  That is the worst feeling... I want to be what Jason refers to as "my sweet wife" but my brain doesn't let me.  That's still one of the most frustrating parts of this all.  It stinks because I always wanted at least two kids but with all these symptoms Jason and me often think maybe SLIK will be an only child... 

On March 3, we went to St. Mark's Fetal Medicine for the midtrimester screening.  When we arrived for the appointment, the receptionist informed us St. Mark's does not take the insurance we have.  AHHHHHH!!!!  I had a little melt down but Jason said it would be okay.  I found out we need to go to IHC hospitals so I called up and made another appointment for the screening.  The new hospital in Murray didn't have an opening until the 17th, which stressed me out but luckily LDS had an appointment for the 10th.  On the 10th, we went to the appointment and they completed all the measurements.  They said everything looked good.  They couldn't see 100% the gender but they agreed that is was most likely a girl.  I didn't doubt fetal fotos determination anyway so I am sticking to that!  I have an appointment with my ob on the 16th so he can check it out then too.

I am more and more aware of my body and the changes.  I don't like everything that is going on and it is hard to get used to the belly.  I keep worrying if I am bigger than I should be.  It's frustrating because I never thought I was one to obsess over my body size but this pregnancy has shown me otherwise.  Jason is so amazing.  He tells me I have to grow so the baby can grow but it's such a hard adjustment for me.  It makes me feel selfish too.  I guess I will just be one of those people that does not think pregnancy is flattering. LOL.

SLIK moves around so much more now.  Jason got to feel SLIK move on February 28th!!!!  I was excited he could actually feel it finally.  He was pretty surprised.  I guess she is pretty fiesty cuz I told her kick dad for me and she kicked so hard :)  She sits pretty low and I notice I have to go to the bathroom more LOL.  All my organs have shifted upward and I have been experiencing a pressure pain near my ribs.  It interferes with my sleep because it makes it more difficult to find a comfortable position.  I didn't think I would experience this yet since I'm only 4 1/2 months but oh well.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pregnancy Experiences...

So life has been crazy and I haven't had time to write down all my thoughts...

I went and got another ultrasound on January 26th (14 1/2 weeks).  This time I even got a picture.  SLIK (Someone Living in Karlie) is adorable.  We could barely hear the heartbeat cuz the doc said the baby is still a little too small.  But luckily the ultrasound showed the heart beating steady and fast so that's good news.  SLIK was jumping around like crazy.  It was so neat to watch but kind of surreal too.  I still don't think it has completely sunk in that I am pregnant LOL.  Basically, SLIK uses my uterus like a trampoline - Boing Boing A-Boing.  :)  I asked the doc if that was normal or if I was creating an ADHD kid ;)  All that movement is normal so I was glad to hear that. 

I noticed the first "kick" about week 15, which was interesting.  I kept feeling this bubble popping.  It was definitely something different and I've never felt it before.  I had Jason feel my stomach but the kicks aren't strong enough for him to feel yet.  Since then every once in a while I feel the "hiccups" ~ I don't know how else to describe them.  Something is fluttering around in there that's for sure. 
On February 3rd, I noticed a lump on the left side of my neck near my collar bone. I called my OB GYN and he suggested I come in and get some thyroid blood work completed. I went in the next day (Thursday the 4th). The doc check the bump and seemed a little concerned. He asked if I wanted to check out the baby right then or wait for the appointment the next day when I would get the blood work results. Since I am a scaredy-cat and I was so nervous I said I'd wait so Jason could be there with me. The doc signed me up for an ultrasound on my neck for the next day too. That night I had a little panic attack about the baby but Jason helped calm me down. The next morning (Friday the 5th), Jason and I went to the appointment and got my blood work back. Everything was normal in my thyroid other than my T3 uptake being slightly low. We got to hear SLIK's heartbeat ~ loud and clear this time! Then we headed over for an ultrasound on my neck. The lady completed the ultrasound and said it looked like a fluid filled cyst not a mass, which is good news!!! Then Monday the 8th, I had an appointment with an ENT. The doctor talked with us about what it could be and scheduled a biopsy. It was scary to hear but also a relief because the doctor let us know this happens in some pregnancies and if it is fluid filled it could go away on its own. The ultrasound results got in on Tuesday and my Ob called me and let me know it is a soft nodule (whew - fluid filled). Then I noticed it started getting smaller. So since it continues to shrink, I am not worried! Plus no needle in my neck - which was making me almost more scared than the lump. Today is Sunday the 14th and it is almost completely gone!!!!  YAY!

Friday February 12, Jason took me to Fetal Fotos to see if they could tell us the gender (I am kind of inpatient).  The technician showed us the heart beat, the profile, and the spine.  Then she looked at the baby's legs and bum.  The baby was being shy and SLIK's legs were curled up and crossed so we couldn't get a clear shot.  She had me lay on one side, then the other, then walk around.  She also jiggled my stomach, which was pretty funny to see on the ultrasound.  No such luck but she had one shot were she guesses SLIK is a girl.  Interestingly, having me lay on different sides and jiggling my belly made SLIK move around.  She showed us SLIK's toes and all the bones.  Every once in a while we would see SLIK kick me.  I think all the jiggling made SLIK mad LOL.  Even though we didn't find out the gender, it was a very fun experience.  We get to go back until we find out too (without having to pay again).  Next time, she'll print more picts and give us a CD too.  We have our prenatal appointment on Wednesday the 17th so we thought we'd go there first before we go back to Fetal Fotos.  Then if we find out the gender at the doctor's we can upgrade our package to the 3D pictures.  I am very excited to find out especially so I can pick a name.

I have finally been feeling better (YAHOO).  I think the morning sickness is pretty much gone.  I just have to make sure I eat (constantly ~ especially in the mornings and late at night).  I haven't had any cravings (except for restaurants in Virginia LOL but I don't think that's from being pregnant).  Now I have been noticing all the growing pains.  My back aches quite a bit and I go from the sharp stabbing pains near my groin and hips to the constant dull ache :(  But at least I am growing and stretching so SLIK has more room :)  I make sure to put lotion/oil on to help with the stretching.  I definitely don't want stretch marks so I am trying to reduce those too.

Being pregnant has helped me realized how self-conscious I am about my body too.  I struggle with feeling cute since I have a little belly.  Jason tells me I have a cute pregnant belly but it is still had to watch the changes.  I am trying to stay positive and understand it is necessary for the MIracle of Life. 

Despite the struggles, I think this has been an enlightening and insightful experience...and I am so thankful Jason is here to experience everything with me.  He is an amazing support!  I can't think of a better time in our life to have this experience and I am so glad we waited until now.  Life is perfect!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I forgot to mention that on Wednesday Jan 13, Rocky had surgery. He had three masses removed on his right side and was neutered. On Sunday, I noticed some bagging, sagging skin on stomach. Jas said it was full of like liquid. Then on Monday (MLK day), we noticed rock's side was swollen and one of the incisions was leaking. We took him to the vet and found out that this happens 10% of the time. Basically because of the trauma of surgery, his skin and muscles separated so his body sent fluid to repair the area. Luckily, the fluid is healthy plasma but if it doesn't leave the incision site the incisions won't heal. So he's on more pain pills and we have to heat pack it twice a day. Its looking better so we're hoping for the best. Worst case scenario they'd have to put in a drain, which means they'd have to put him under again. We hoping to stay away from that. Poor lil rock!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


So I never thought it would happen but it's true...I am actually pregnant.  I am currently 13 1/2 weeks and my due date is July 24th!  I found out I was prego on Nov 22.  Started getting nauseous so I saw the doctor on Nov 30th and got a prescription for nausea.  Been sick ever since.  On Dec 30th, I saw the doctor again and saw the heartbeat (didn't hear it cuz it's too small).  I had decided to wait until the 2nd trimester to tell everyone because the risk of miscarriage decreases.  I am still very nervous and every feeling is so intense that I think the nervousness is multiplied by 20 but its out now so...   

I have decided morning sickness is one of the WORST feelings ever.  I usually handle things okay and I don't complain too much but I keep wondering why people choose to put themselves through this torture. Everyone says it's worth it but honestly after being sick for 2 1/2 months that statement doesn't make me feel any better. You try waking up everday feeling like you have the flu for 2 months then have someone tell you "it'll be worth it" - it really just makes me ornery. Jason's mom bought me a book called Pregnancy Sucks. It's hilarious even though it's true. I'd recommend it to anyone going through pregnancy and feeling miserable.

On top of morning sickness, pregnancy makes me HORMONAL.  I am not a hormonal person (even during that time of the month) but get me prego and look out.  Even my sister mentioned my orneriness, which means it must be bad.  I get irritated easily and feel pretty depressed.  Getting up and motivated is hard.  But I'm doing it and hopefully I'll be through it all soon.

Since I found out I am pregnant I've been more grateful that I have been seeing a counselor.  I think it's definitely been helpful to talk to someone about everything I'm feeling.  Sometimes just getting out the irritants once a week helps the next week go a little smoother.  Well... stay tune for more pregnancy wooes.